Are you 23 years old or older and looking for a part-day work and part-day learning program with full accommodations?
Ohr Mordechai is a program for serious 23 years or older bochurim that are looking to work without giving up on the yeshiva environment.
We built a program that will allow you to work and make money, go on trips, and learn a profession without leaving the safe yeshivish environment and without the need to pay any tuition; here is what you get when you join our program:
Continue to grow and learn Torah and halacha with Mesikus Hatorah.
Get full accommodations, including housing and food, with no tuition.
Earn a salary working for our associated transportation company.
As part of the program, you can join our trips from time to time to various places.
Use our vans locally for free for your personal use around Lakewood
Coming soon... Join our free courses and gain new life skills and knowledge
Wish to join our yeshivah program? Answer all questions on this application, and if we think you are a good fit, we will contact you for a personal interview.
To join our fantastic program, you have to qualify and obligate to the following:
For now, we are accepting boys only 23 years old or older.
You have good middos, responsible, and want to participate in the program fully.
An essential part of the program is driving for our sister company; to do so, you must have a driver's license.
Right now, we will expect only bochurim willing to commit for one full year to the program.
Yeshivas Ohr Mordechai was built by Rabbi Eli Rosen with a mission to provide bochurim that find that learning in a regular yeshiva is not for them an option to stay in a yeshiva environment while working and making money; this program includes: